The Journey Is the Reward

When I left Chicago and decided to start over in Texas, I knew I was in for some tough times. Creating something from nothing — in this case, an art career — that can sustain one’s life both monetarily and spiritually was a task full of hardships, many of which I couldn’t even conceive. And… Continue reading The Journey Is the Reward

I’ll Be Happy When…

A familiar quote landed on my radar again this week reminding me to get my shit together. It’s one I’ve read many times and one I try to implement as often as possible. Yet it still seems to escape me. It’s Sam Harris‘: “You can’t wait to solve all your problems to be happy.” You… Continue reading I’ll Be Happy When…

Behind “Help”

“Asking for help is not giving up. Asking for help is refusing to give up.” — The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse The subjects of my art tend to revolve around health, fitness, movement and mindfulness. For me, these things take up the most neurological real estate, so that’s what my pictures… Continue reading Behind “Help”

Neurographic Art

This coming Saturday, July 29, I’m teaching a fun “Doodles and Donuts” workshop at the Ardest Gallery in the Woodlands. The topic we will be creating around is neurographic art. For some, the term neurographic art is just a fancy way of saying “doodling”, or free form stream-of-consciousness drawing. But for me the specific term… Continue reading Neurographic Art

Announcing: 2023 Fall Show Schedule

While I do my best to stand firm in my self realization of being a working artist, I am human after all, and humans have the tendency to seek validation from others to bank self-worth. Without that, the path can be quite dark at times. Me, I’m not too needy. I don’t need a lot… Continue reading Announcing: 2023 Fall Show Schedule

Nature Is My Reset

You’ve been there. We all have. Stuck on a problem. Can’t make something work. Frustrated beyond belief. Instead of banging your head against the wall hoping things will change, be kind to yourself. Take a step outside into nature. Allow your mind to reset. I once read that Albert Einstein was a habitual walker and… Continue reading Nature Is My Reset

Long Live the Sufferfest

It’s July, which means my favorite endurance event — the Tour de France — is well underway, claiming one svelte superstar after another. I often kid that if I had a superpower, it would be suffering. Physical, emotional, psychological… I know how to suffer like no one else, which is why the TDF is, for… Continue reading Long Live the Sufferfest

When the Viewer Informs You of What You Were Thinking

Last night was the soft opening of the Ardest Gallery’s new location in the Woodlands and my oh my was it a hit! The artists represented are extremely talented. The vibe was fun and exciting. The turnout was great. And in the midst of it all, I learned something new about myself and my work.… Continue reading When the Viewer Informs You of What You Were Thinking