Neurographic Art

This coming Saturday, July 29, I’m teaching a fun “Doodles and Donuts” workshop at the Ardest Gallery in the Woodlands. The topic we will be creating around is neurographic art. For some, the term neurographic art is just a fancy way of saying “doodling”, or free form stream-of-consciousness drawing. But for me the specific term has a certain style and form associated with it.

In my experience, this method of creating is as therapeutic as it is relaxing and I look forward to making that experience available to others.

…neurographic art is a technique, which comprises drawing freeform lines or ‘neuro lines.’ These are meant to enable the connection between the conscious and unconscious, gaining access to the inner self by using a specific algorithm or method. It’s an art form that also engages both our aesthetic and emotional intelligence, eliciting positive changes in our reality as it has been observed to create these changes in people experiencing chronic pain and anxiety, as well as helped people gain clarity and peacefulness. “

Alexandra Vergara

What I love most about neurographic art is that the piece itself is rooted in feelings and emotions experienced in real time. Looking back at a finished work, I can immediately relate to exactly what I was going through at the time of creation. Good or bad, looking back on certain pieces brings a similar feeling to what I get flipping through an old photo album.

In addition to helping people through periods of pain and anxiety, neurographic art is such a positive practice because one does not need to be talented in order to create an interesting work of art. As long as one is able to make marks — of any kind — and color in basic forms, then the finished work will always be something fit for view.

Finally, other than following some basic steps, there is no detailed plan to a specific piece. The work simply finds its way out of the ether, through your hand and onto the canvas. Voila!

Want a chance to create your very own neurographic masterpiece? Register today for the Doodles and Donuts workshop! Hope to see you soon!

blue white purple yellow green neurographic painting on panel

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