Changing Interpretations

All art is a form of poetry. It’s always changing, never fixed. We may think we know what a piece we made means, yet over time that interpretation may change. The creator stops being the creator once they finish the work. They then become the viewer. And the viewer can bring as much of their… Continue reading Changing Interpretations

Inspired, Part 2

Last week, I dove into some initial takeaways from the book entitled The Creative Act: A Way of Being by the legendary music producer, Rick Rubin. My focus for Part 1 was understanding where artists find inspiration for their works. Of course, there doesn’t always have to be inspiration. A lot of times, great art… Continue reading Inspired, Part 2

The Jury Is Out

In the last few days I have received good news that my artwork has been accepted into TWO juried shows for the spring! Yee haw! Participating in a juried art show is new territory for me so I am looking forward to being fully present for the experience. If “juried art show” is an unfamiliar… Continue reading The Jury Is Out

Hang In There

This blog post is a reminder to myself as much as it is a message to you. Hang. In. There. Just hang in there, man. As I go through yet another stage of what I assume is a mid-life crisis, I have to constantly talk myself out of listening to the vitriolic, self-loathing voice in… Continue reading Hang In There

Religion of the Mind

Growing up a Star Wars fanatic, I became obsessed with the idea of “the Force” at an early age. The idea that there exists a mystical energy field that controls my destiny was one that I felt compelled to explore. So when I later discovered Daoism and its promise of absolute principle underlying the entire… Continue reading Religion of the Mind

Commemorate Your Achievements with an Original Work of Art

One fun aspect of starting your professional life all over again is going along for the ride, finding out where you are going only once you get there. This sort of life might not be for everyone, but I have always appreciated a good adventure, surprises and all. As an artist who spends a large… Continue reading Commemorate Your Achievements with an Original Work of Art

Holiday Nostalgia

The holidays are upon us and if you’re like me that means basking in nostalgia and reminiscing of simpler times. A snapshot of my perfect holiday includes: getting up early to annoy the parents, cinnamon rolls for breakfast, hot chocolate, Home Alone, video games, A Christmas Story, driving around looking at pretty lights and It’s… Continue reading Holiday Nostalgia