Nature Is My Reset

“Blue Dream”
Mixed media on stretched canvas, 18×24
©2022 Jeff Lung

You’ve been there. We all have. Stuck on a problem. Can’t make something work. Frustrated beyond belief.

Instead of banging your head against the wall hoping things will change, be kind to yourself. Take a step outside into nature. Allow your mind to reset.

I once read that Albert Einstein was a habitual walker and that many of his greatest ideas came whilst meandering through the woods. Relating that to my own experience, I have always been surprised at the amount of cool ideas and problem solving I am able to come up with when I’m outdoors running or cycling or walking or sitting. We are meant to be in nature. There is a chorus of life going on all around us if we just take a moment to recognize.

We don’t do that enough today. Rarely do we sit still without distractions. We don’t like to be away from our screens.

But we, as a species, weren’t made to be stuck looking at a magic light box all day long. So the next time you feel overwhelmed or are having a hard time solving a problem, go outside. Breathe in the air. Listen to the sounds. Allow yourself to be in the world and let your mind reset. Twenty minutes usually does the trick.

Do you have any recommendations on how to reset your mind? Tell me in the comments!


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