I first heard of “Sober October” many years ago while listening to the Joe Rogan Experience. It was something Joe and his friends did once a year where they abstained from drugs and alcohol for an entire month while also making it a requirement to work out every day. Meant as a reset for the… Continue reading Sober October
Like anyone else, artists are complex, so for me it is fun to peel back the layers and discover more about the artists I admire most. Often times I can see one’s influences in his/her work directly, but not always. In that spirit, I thought it would be fun to share my influences and provide… Continue reading Influences
The Illusion of Pure Bliss
As we all navigate through the media drenched world of the 21st century, one thing to keep at the forefront of all thought is that social media is highly curated. What we see is not always the complete story. In fact, I’d argue that it’s just a fraction of the story — a tiny slice… Continue reading The Illusion of Pure Bliss
There Is No Ice Cream
Prior to making art my full time job, I had a successful career as a personal trainer. For ten years I got up before dawn and through hard work, dedication and discipline, made it my mission to help others be the best version of themselves they could possibly be. While a handful of my clients… Continue reading There Is No Ice Cream
Besides being a fun word to say and the title of my favorite John Cusack film, serendipity is one of those real life things that can put a long smile on my face. I’ve documented here that the last two and a half years have been extremely challenging, forcing me to look deeply inward to… Continue reading Serendipity
Just Get Past the Adolescent Stage
Get past the middle stages of your artworks by having faith in the steps and know that if you just follow the plan all will end well.
Black and White
Most of my artistic tastes and habits were formed during my youth. I’ve written about my introduction to Dali and surrealism and how that affected my style. When it comes to color palettes, though I do play with color in my works, my heart always returns to the simple, austere boldness of black and white.
$#%!, Just Say What Ya Want
*Warning: Includes adult language. When I was a kid, I thought “cocksucker” was just the name of a car part that Dad couldn’t ever fix. I thought it was quite the impossible part too because every time Dad yelled it he was taking his anger out on the garage. Eventually I learned “cocksucker” is not… Continue reading $#%!, Just Say What Ya Want
When I work on a piece very rarely do I see it all the way through, from start to finish, in one sitting. In general, I work on four or five different projects at a time — all in different stages of development.
Part of an Experiment
The first time I saw a Salvador Dali painting I knew that I wanted to do whatever it was that he was doing. I was 13 years old and my friend, Luke, whom I looked to for guidance on all things cool, showed me a book with Dali’s Dream Caused by the Flight of a… Continue reading Part of an Experiment