Sober October

I first heard of “Sober October” many years ago while listening to the Joe Rogan Experience. It was something Joe and his friends did once a year where they abstained from drugs and alcohol for an entire month while also making it a requirement to work out every day. Meant as a reset for the body, it was also a way to get in better tune with one’s self.

Sounded like a cool thing to do; it just wasn’t for me. I already work out every day and I rarely drink. But marijuana is my friend and sleeping aid — my carrot at the end of a hard workday stick. A few days or a week without it is no big deal. But a whole month!? No, thanks.

Fast forward to 2022, with my rigorous internal examination and ongoing pursuit of self betterment both active in full force, I feel myself called to do things that are difficult. And while I have spent the last decade or so fulfilling that need through physical feats of exertion to find out more about myself, the time has come for more mental leaps and bounds.

So I did it. Well, at the time of writing this (on October 30), I’m still doing it. And I feel compelled to share some findings.

My first major takeaway regards sleep. Ironically, I have long championed marijuana as my ultimate sleep inducer. A few years ago, when I was working 16 hour days at the gym, I had a really hard time turning my brain off at night. Despite how tired I was, I just couldn’t sleep. Restless nights led to terrible days which led to even more restless nights. That’s when I started using THC and CBD as a way to chill the fuck out on the regular. And it worked. Wonderfully.

I just never really stopped. Until this month. To my surprise, falling asleep wasn’t a big deal. Much of this probably has to do with the fact that I have eliminated virtually all the stresses that I once had. So on the night of October 1, I knocked right out. And what awaited me was nothing short of amazing.

DREAMS. I mean, the most vivid, lucid, engaging dreams. The first night, the second, the third… all the way until now. I am going to sleep every single night so excited about what psychedelic experience awaits me in the dreamworld. I never even knew I was capable of such dreaming! To be honest, my whole life I can’t recall ever having this capacity. And I can’t explain it scientifically (if you can please chime in!) but something about abstaining from weed to allow my mind to really rest I guess is doing a number on my brain at night. That’s all I can come up with. Whatever it is, it’s fucking cool.

My other big takeaway from Sober October is that for me alcohol and marijuana should be tools, not crutches. I was worried about how abstinence would effect my creativity. I have used both in the past as conduits for expanding my mind and traversing thoughts. And while they definitely can have a role in that regard, the true source of my creativity is always right here, within me. If anything, I have been more productive and more focused during the month of October than I have all year.

That being said, I would be a liar if I didn’t admit how much I do look forward to November 1st. Complete sobriety has been a great way to look further inward and it has opened my eyes to my true self, but I do enjoy a beer at the ballpark and a toke while creating pictures. They are tools. And like any good tradesman knows, there’s a time and a place to use those tools to get the most out of them.

What is your relationship to sobriety? If you feel compelled, tell me in the comments!

Intersect in a frame hanging on a wall
Mixed media on stretched canvas, 10×10


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