Long Live the Sufferfest

It’s July, which means my favorite endurance event — the Tour de France — is well underway, claiming one svelte superstar after another. I often kid that if I had a superpower, it would be suffering. Physical, emotional, psychological… I know how to suffer like no one else, which is why the TDF is, for… Continue reading Long Live the Sufferfest

When the Viewer Informs You of What You Were Thinking

Last night was the soft opening of the Ardest Gallery’s new location in the Woodlands and my oh my was it a hit! The artists represented are extremely talented. The vibe was fun and exciting. The turnout was great. And in the midst of it all, I learned something new about myself and my work.… Continue reading When the Viewer Informs You of What You Were Thinking

Marathon Metaphor Still Works

“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” We hear this phrase so often that its meaning can be lost. If you’ve never experienced running an actual marathon (26.2 miles) with your own two feet, then it becomes even more difficult to comprehend. But truth is constant: running a marathon is hard. It doesn’t happen instantly and… Continue reading Marathon Metaphor Still Works

Rethinking My Relationship with Instagram

I have an Instagram problem. And it’s been messing me up. Silly! I know! How could I let a social media app cause such turmoil? Let me explain. A few weeks ago, for no apparent reason at all, Instagram stopped allowing me to post Reels. For the uninitiated, “Reels” are videos, TikTok copy cat videos… Continue reading Rethinking My Relationship with Instagram

Inspired, Part 2

Last week, I dove into some initial takeaways from the book entitled The Creative Act: A Way of Being by the legendary music producer, Rick Rubin. My focus for Part 1 was understanding where artists find inspiration for their works. Of course, there doesn’t always have to be inspiration. A lot of times, great art… Continue reading Inspired, Part 2

Just Hold On

I was two hours into manning the booth at my very first art fair — the Greater Conroe Art Festival in Conroe, Texas — and though I hadn’t sold anything yet I was still confident that potential collectors were out there somewhere. The conversations I was having with people as they passed through gave me… Continue reading Just Hold On