“(WAR)RIOR” at Spring Street Studios

Two of my paintings, “And Then I Found My Hands” and “Things Fall Apart” are currently on exhibit at the curated show at Spring Street Studios in Houston, Texas entitled “(WAR)RIOR”.

“And Then I Found My Hands”
©2024 Jeff Lung
“Things Fall Apart”
©2024 Jeff Lung

This show is a selection of artwork examining the effects of war on those who have endured it firsthand. The exhibition includes artwork from veteran artists and artists who explore the experiences of service members that have lived through war.

Each piece represents the effects of battle, be they mental or physical, on those who survive it.

August 26, 2024 – November 2, 2024
Spring Street Studios
1824 Spring St. #4056
Houston, TX 77007

Though I am not a veteran myself, in recent months I have worked with many veterans using neurographic art as a meditative practice and healing tool to create new neural pathways in the brain. Through this practice, I have watched people overcome the adversity that experiencing war firsthand can bring and, for many, the creative act serves as a good friend.

I was also inspired by combat veteran, poet and author, Brandon Dillon, whom I met and heard speak at a poetry reading last year. That night I bought his book and then over the next several weeks I poured over his raw, unadulterated and often haunting poems, coming face to face with the terror that experience may bring.

Motivated by his honest profile of a combat veteran, and one hundred percent aware of my own inability to ever fully connect with his experience, I set off on a free flowing effort to create kinetically, using big loose brush strokes and spontaneous intuitive marks on the fly until a picture began to appear.

And then I just went with it. How do these pieces make you feel? Tell me in the comments!

The show is open to viewers at Spring Street Studio in Houston now through November 2, 2024.

Go see it. Hug a veteran. Say a prayer.

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