Adapt Or Die

‘Mental Map”
©2023 Jeff Lung

Of all the characteristics that make up the human race, the one most fascinating to me is our ability to adapt. I have experienced this dramatically on several occasions: Losing my freedom. Losing my marriage. Losing my purpose.

Adapt or die. Get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’. The alternative to action in both quotes is death.

So when Hurricane Beryl wiped through the greater Houston area earlier this week disrupting lives, damaging property and wreaking havoc along the way, the spirit and will of the people to adapt was paramount.

Power was out where I live for three days, forcing us to embrace the hot Texas temps while getting creative on how to stay cool. Not surprisingly, each day got a little easier as my body adapted to its surroundings and found new ways to be.

The metaphor of humanity’s might and indomitable will to survive any pernicious predicament never gets old. Natural disaster, financial collapse, social ridicule. I can and will survive it all.

Until I die.

Until then, I’m gonna keep adapting. Keep fighting. Keep living.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been effected by Beryl. Many are still without power and are having to adapt in creative ways. There is a lot of damage. Recovery will take a long time.

God be with you.

“Mental Map”
©2023 Jeff Lung


  1. You have survived so many events in your life but I always see you fight hard and bounce back. I’m proud to be your mom!🩵🩵🩵

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