I’ll Be Happy When

Detail of And Then I Found These Hands
©2024 Jeff Lung

My grandma died early Saturday morning. She was 96 years old. She lived a long, blessed life and for that I am grateful.

But her departure is also a reminder: death is coming for us all.

So when I find myself in a self-placed conditional constraint cycle, ruminating things like I’ll be happy when I make X amount of money or I’ll be happy when I have a successful career or I’ll be happy when I achieve XYZ goal

Bruh, how about be happy… now? Right now? We’re living in the greatest age to be alive, no question. The world enjoys more freedom, technology and sovereignty now than ever before. Life has never been so easy. We have electricity. We have an abundance of food. The NFL. Life is good, man.

So take a moment today to be at peace with that. Don’t add any more conditions. Just allow yourself to be comfortable now. It’s okay. I’m gonna do it too.

Hold me to it!

Meanwhile, do you find yourself putting conditions on your happiness? How do you get yourself out of that loop? Tell me in the comments!

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