I’ll Be Happy When…

“Blue Mind”
Acrylic on canvas panel, 9×12
©2023 Jeff Lung

A familiar quote landed on my radar again this week reminding me to get my shit together. It’s one I’ve read many times and one I try to implement as often as possible. Yet it still seems to escape me. It’s Sam Harris‘: “You can’t wait to solve all your problems to be happy.”

You can’t. You really can’t. No one can.

I’ll be happy when I move to Texas.

I’ll be happy when I’m selling art.

I’ll be happy when I’m a part of a community.

Except there will always be another problem to solve. There will always be another thing I haven’t achieved.

So why not just choose to be happy… now?

Like, right now.

Plenty to be happy about right now. Historically, I’m living in the most comfortable of times, where the least amount of suffering and the least amount of physical labor is necessary to make it to tomorrow. Isn’t that enough? By itself, shouldn’t that alone leave me happy?

I’m choosing yes. Today.


Will you join me? Tell me in the comments!


  1. I’m so ” happy” to hear this!! You will get where you are going…. one small step… remember?? You are so loved… time to love yourself💕💕💕💕

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