Religion of the Mind

“Blue Mind”
Acrylic on canvas panel, 9×12
©2022 Jeff Lung

Growing up a Star Wars fanatic, I became obsessed with the idea of “the Force” at an early age. The idea that there exists a mystical energy field that controls my destiny was one that I felt compelled to explore.

So when I later discovered Daoism and its promise of absolute principle underlying the entire universe, I also dove in headfirst. In fact, I was so enthralled with this romantic possibility for spirituality that I made religion my major in college.

It turns out that studying religion in college just churns out atheists. I am not sure how anyone could go through the curriculum I went through and still actually believe in a god — let alone one parading as an unseen all-encompassing life force with mystical powers.

But nowadays, I’m not so sure.

I mean… maybe?

One thing that makes itself more clear to me as I get older is that: I. DON’T. KNOW. NOTHING.

Like most people, I’m pretty ignorant about most things, and part of the maturing process is acknowledgment of this. Maybe there is a god. Maybe there is a force. Heck, maybe I am agnostic.

Meditation practice has helped me tune inward and explore the idea of consciousness. I one hundred percent admit that I really don’t know what I’m doing. So it’s kinda weird that my practice is the closest I’ve come to having any sort of religious experience. I don’t know if it is. It probably isn’t. But sometimes it feels good and I’ve been trying to put these feelings into pictures, with the outside hope that one day Obi Wan Kenobi will start whispering in my ear, “Use the Force, Jeff.”

I’m trying, dude!

Do you consider yourself religious? How does it manifest for you? Tell me in the comments!


  1. I don’t always get to read your blog .. but this topic is very interesting and one I’m exploring myself. I don’t think I’m religious, I prefer to use the word ‘spiritual’ and see it as a sort of awareness that everything is sacred and has a soul. Keep writing Jeff.. it’s really inspiring ✨🙏🏼✨

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