One Door Shuts, Another Door Opens

The maxim from the title of this blog entry is a reminder that so much of our reality is really just how we frame it, how we react. I’m not gonna lie, when the property where my studio was once located in Magnolia was sold, I was not happy. The previous owners had sold me on renting the space as being a part of an artist community. We were to have monthly showings and open houses and activities driving traffic to our work.

None of that really ever happened.

I felt suckered.

Meh. Not the first time. I’ve been known as a wishful thinker, making decisions based on hopes and dreams rather than concrete reality. But this time it came with a whole lot of extra inconvenience.

The new owners are interested in making money, and I totally understand. Unfortunately, they raised the rent so high that it forced me out. No question. And after a couple of months of incessant worrying while searching high and low for an adequate space that would fit my requirements and budget, I finally found the perfect spot at 3D Office Suites in Conroe, TX.

I am happy to report that my studio there is alive and well, all moved in, ready for visitors and appointments. Oh, and ready for work! Have you been thinking of having me paint a portrait for you?? They make great gifts and I’m ready to paint. The holiday season is right around the corner! Reach out to me today. Let’s go!

New studio, new artworks, new celebrations to be had!

No more looking back, only forward.

Do you have an experience where one door shut and another opened up right away, leading to bigger and better results? Tell me in the comments! I could some uplifting chatter!

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