
Jeff Lung Art is live on YouTube! Woo hoo! Like, subscribe, share with your friends!

A couple of years ago, when I decided to pivot and make art my full time career, the last thing I wanted to do was start a YouTube channel. Knowing social media was a must, I reluctantly jumped on Instagram and made that my main social media outlet only to find myself making videos all the time to get more exposure. It was working, so I just went with it.

Then, sometime in October 2022, it was like someone turned the lights out on me at Instagram. My short videos (Reels) went from getting thousands and thousands of views per post to getting maybe a hundred or two. If that. It was like someone decided to silence me with the flip of a switch on my reach. And it has never come back.

So I spend all this time making videos that no one sees…

If I’m going to do that, shouldn’t I post them somewhere where videos are more likely to be seen?

In the beginning, I just cross posted by Instagram Reels to YouTube Shorts, so you’ll see I have a lot of short video content on my channel. But one of MY favorite things to do on YouTube is watch other artists explain their techniques and the stories behind their creations. This being the case, I decided to start showcasing some of my own works with longer videos detailing my process.

Here are just a few examples out the gate:

Critiques are welcome. Please keep in mind that I am new to this and don’t expect to be MrBeast now (or ever). My only goals are to make each video better than the last, to give unique insight into my art making process and to have fun.

So let’s have some fun!

Is there an artwork of mine that you want to see featured on YouTube? A piece that you want to know the full story behind? Tell me in the comments!


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