Rethinking My Relationship with Instagram

I have an Instagram problem. And it’s been messing me up.

Silly! I know! How could I let a social media app cause such turmoil?

Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, for no apparent reason at all, Instagram stopped allowing me to post Reels. For the uninitiated, “Reels” are videos, TikTok copy cat videos basically — short, catchy, entertaining videos that can lead to massive time suck and an expanded audience. Each time I tried to post I would receive a message that I have been prohibited from posting in order to “protect the community”.

Protect the community from what? Timelapse videos of me drawing and painting!? Um….

So I dug deep. I had no violations. No flags. No reports of breaking community guidelines. I filed reports with Instagram detailing the errors, asking for an explanation. For three weeks, I filed at least one a day, with no reply to any of them. I deleted the app then reinstalled it. Several times. I tried using different devices (phone, laptop, tablet). I googled and reddited every thing I could and found no fixes, no situations quite like mine. Nothing. All paths led to the same prohibitive result: no Reels for you!

So what? you might say. Who cares?

Trust me, there was a time when I would have agreed with you. But not now. I’m in too deep! I’ve put all my social media eggs in the Instagram basket because it is the de facto app of the art world and posting Reels — according to Instagram itself — is the number one way to grow and reach a wider audience.

Yes, I want to grow. Heck yeah I want a wider audience. I want to sell my art! I have too much and it needs to go!

But I can’t seem to post Reels. Hm. What to do?

I took some time off hoping that would fix it. I have had bizarre glitches affect my account in the past and after some time off they all seemed to right themselves, especially when updates roll out.

This time the break didn’t work. Situation normal all fucked up. Can’t post Reels.

But something happened during that time off that reminded me this is not the end of the world. I realized that Instagram had become just another chore of things for me to do because I wasn’t doing it on my terms. I was doing all of the things that all of the influencers and all of the artists more successful than me were saying. The end result was that my content strategy was taking over my life and my art work! I wasn’t making that much progress anyway. At the time of writing this I have 815 followers. Whoopty doo. Who cares? No one.

When I start making creative decisions based on Instagram and what I think it might favor in widening my audience, I am doing myself a huge disservice. I’m DOING IT WRONG.

And in an environment where we, the users, don’t really have any control, I think it is best to just stay true to one’s self and principles rather than doing what everyone else says you should do. The truth is, at any moment these apps can ban, de-platform and cancel you. And then what?

Might as well do it my way and let the chips fall where they may. I value my own mental health over my social media status. And people sold art before social media. Shocking! I know!

So I’m gonna do it differently from now on. I’m not going to obsess about posting every day. I’m not going to fret over which song to use or which filter or what time of day. Reels or not, I will do what I can — whatever the app allows me to do. And I’m going to do whatever I feel like in regards to elevating my artwork. That is the goal. Everything else is just bonus.

For now, I’m still able to put up regular posts to the feed (albeit with some added difficulty, like not being able to link any of my store products to the post, a vital move for anyone trying to actually make a living off exposure from IG). Somehow I am able to post live videos with no problem. And my stories section seems to be working fine (except, again, not being able to link my store products).

I will roll with the punches while I can. If nothing ever gets fixed I’ll just go somewhere else, like YouTube or Twitch or the library. Ha! Who knows.

Got these lemons… let’s make lemonade!

“Mental Map”
Acrylic on watercolor paper, 11×15

What is your overall experience/relationship with Instagram? Tell me in the comments!


  1. I’ve experienced the same issues in the past but everything seemed to have worked itself out. Have you checked out the platform “Minds”? It’s an open source and decentralized social network focused on civil dialogue and internet freedom.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Chris! I have heard of it but up until now didn’t want to get into yet another app, however, signs point to maybe having to do so. Will check it out! Thanks!

  2. All the tips and tricks the influencers come up with: forget it 💁🏼‍♀️ They scream they have the answers and everyone runs to their account and follows because they have the answer because “look how many followers they have”….Insta does what it wants. I do recommend you use the hashtags to the max: all 30 of them. Materials; style;…play around with the hashtags a little. You’ll find your magic combo soon enough and gain more followers. I wish I knew how to fix your Reel problem. Isn’t it possible to post a short video as a normal post? Avoid the ‘Reel button’ ?
    Insta is kinda behind on responding to reports. A few days ago I got a reaction to a report I’ve sent in November…

    1. Thanks for sharing, Sarah! Yes, I have experienced with the hashtags too, but in my experience it doesn’t really seem to make too much of a difference. I might try putting vids in a carousel and see if that works in any way. Thanks for your support!

  3. I agree with Sarah; POST you videos. (Sorry that wasn’t meant to look like I was shouting)
    I read the other day that Instagram are prioritising carousels as much as they do reels, and as you’re allowed 10 photos/or video clips
    I suggest you put some clips of yourself in the post. Unfortunately you won’t be able to show your music mixing prowess , but you get seen. Good luck . Oh and my relationship with the app is a frustrating one too. I could tear my hair out with the trouble I’ve had losing my shop then trying to link the items only to find them unlinked and my website unverified 🤬
    I don’t know how anyone relies on it solely for sales. As for followers… none of mine are buyers 🤷🏼‍♀️
    P.S. If you are thinking of another social media site LinkedIn has a huge art community and is more ‘grown up’ 😉

    1. Thanks for sharing, Annette! I haven’t tried LinkedIn. I have hardly used that app ever but it might be worth a shot. My IG followers aren’t collectors either for the most part, but for some reason everyone cares so much about that number. I will try to put some of my vids in posts instead and see if that ends up working. Thanks for reinforcing the idea!

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