
earth toned acrylic abstract painting on a gray wall
Mixed media on stretched canvas, 10×10
©2022 Jeff Lung

Besides being a fun word to say and the title of my favorite John Cusack film, serendipity is one of those real life things that can put a long smile on my face. I’ve documented here that the last two and a half years have been extremely challenging, forcing me to look deeply inward to find out who I really am and what I actually want.

Before Covid, I thought I was going to be a trainer for the rest of my life. I thought I was going to be married and live in Chicago and work at my gym forever. I had a full schedule of clients. The business was growing. I was making a difference in peoples’ lives.

But the life I had planned out unraveled bit by bit and by April of 2022, it was all completely gone: my business, my marriage, my home.

“Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.”

I moved to Texas temporarily to be closer to my family and thrust myself one hundred percent into only pursuing things that make me happy. More importantly, I devoted all of my time to the one thing that has kept me sane in recent years: making art.

In August, I came across a Facebook ad for an art studio rental at the Bella Bottega in the Woodlands/Magnolia, Texas — a community of artists just a short bike ride from where my dad lives. On a whim, I applied, just to see what’s out there, thinking even if I don’t get it, at least it will introduce me to some new people.

Today, I am happy to report that that whim became a serendipitous catapult into the next stage of my professional life and as of now I consider myself a full time working artist with much to offer the world.

I am excited to start this new chapter among a group of highly talented and kind hearted artists at the Bella Bottega. It will take me some time to get the vibe just right in my new space, but as of today, the Jeff Lung Art studio is fully operational. You can keep up with my Instagram for all the details.

If you are in the Houston area, please do reach out to schedule a visit. And definitely join us for our Second Sunday events (held on the second Sunday every month), where all eight art studios as well as the on-site Ardest Gallery are open to the public from 1pm to 4pm.

I will definitely share more in the coming days, but for now, let my serendipity be a reminder to you to stay hungry and open to whatever opportunities may arise. Focus on the people, things and activities that bring you joy. And let things be as they may.


  1. So very happy and proud of your art and your work ethic!! All of my family and friends… sharing is what I’m doing.. can you share too??

  2. I have to mention this about Jeff. Myself I’m retired Army SFC 22yrs. I have been to allot of places, seen allot of things in my career and life. I’ve worked with and been around very talented individuals. At this point I want to say that Jeff is the most talented individuals that I have ever met. What ever he is involved with you will get one of the best. His expertise, and dedication none better.

    Jeff congratulations and only the best for you.

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